ANNOUNCEMENT 12-04-2023 – We are currently running update tests on the test platform. The website might become inaccessible at times.

Welcome to the test instance of SODHA, the federal Belgian data archive for social sciences and the digital humanities. Here you can make as many tests as you like.

The SODHA platform is accessible here:

If you have any question, you can contact us at
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541 to 550 of 643 Results
PNG Image - 26.9 KB - MD5: 9c71f57fb23290ed2e6e30bd25787179
JPEG Image - 229.2 KB - MD5: 2b4cc43c5717e9589845b413bac344bb
PNG Image - 26.3 KB - MD5: 9ab5fc1cfb935e32cac823976e3ccf70
Mar 3, 2020
Admin, Dataverse, 2020, "Test enable access dans Terms",, Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive – SODHA [test instance], V1
Belle du seigneur
PNG Image - 26.9 KB - MD5: 9c71f57fb23290ed2e6e30bd25787179
JPEG Image - 229.2 KB - MD5: 2b4cc43c5717e9589845b413bac344bb
PNG Image - 26.3 KB - MD5: 9ab5fc1cfb935e32cac823976e3ccf70
Mar 3, 2020
Admin, Dataverse, 2020, "Test contact 2",, Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive – SODHA [test instance], V1
Rivière perles
Mar 3, 2020
Admin, Dataverse, 2020, "Test contact 2",, Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive – SODHA [test instance], V1
Rivière perles
Mar 3, 2020
Admin, Dataverse, 2020, "Test problème DataCite",, Social Sciences and Digital Humanities Archive – SODHA [test instance], V1
Ganache chocolat crème pépites caramel
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